
Bossk, Deadly Stalker

From SWU Holocron

Name ⟡ Bossk
Title Deadly Stalker
Aspects Cunning.png Villainy.png
Type Unit
Arena Ground
Cost 5
Power 4
Health 5
Traits Underworld, Bounty Hunter
Abilities Ambush (After you play this unit, he may ready and attack an enemy unit.)
When you play an event: You may deal 2 damage to a unit.
In sets SOR-182
Reveals Fantasy Flight Games
Artists Stefano Landini
Lore Bossk'wassak'Cradossk, Bounty Hunter

Rulings for Card

Q: If an event causes Bossk to attack, can I deal the two points of damage before I do so?

Examples: Bossk, Deadly Stalker, Surprise Strike
A: No. While the Event does cause Bossk's 'When you play an event' ability to trigger, the Event itself must complete before that ability is resolved. Since the Event causes an attack, that accack must complete before the resolution of the 2 points of damage.

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